Welcome to the TRipCal © App

TRipCal is an ongoing research project led by researchers at the University of Hong Kong to develop an individual risk calculator for the development of treatment resistance in patients with first-episode psychosis.

About 15-40% of individuals with schizophrenia becoming treatment resistant to standard antipsychotic medications worldwide. They have poorer clinical and functional outcomes. The median time of developing treatment resistance since the first illness onset was about 10 years. We believe to be able to identify individuals who are more vulnerable to becoming treatment resistant so that appropriate action could be taken to reduce the individual risk as well as providing suitable interventions early is important to improve their overall outcomes.

TRipCal was developed with anonymized health records of over 1000 individuals with first-episode psychosis followed up for 12-17 years. Used of clozapine was considered as a proxy of treatment resistance since clozapine is the only antipsychotic effective for treatment resistant schizophrenia (TRS) at the moment.
To understand more about the development of TRipCal, see the Science page.

TRipCal is still at the development stage and further validation and improvement is still ongoing. We therefore DO NOT recommend for any use to provide clinical decision. The use of TRipCal require clinical knowledge and we ONLY recommend it to be used by clinicians as an academic evaluation tool.
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